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- Rescue Diver Course -

Rescue training can help you save lives and increase your diving safety by preparing you to properly respond to diving emergencies. This course teaches various rescue techniques and their implementation using various rescue scenarios in which to practice. Self-rescue is also taught, as well as problem recognition and problem solving and prevention. This course is also an important prerequisite for any NAUI/PADI leadership training.
The Rescue course consists of a three-hour lecture, a written test and one full day of open water training (9:00AM - 4:00PM) at Dutch Springs, PA. To complete your certification, you will also need to have your Basic Life Support and Adult and infant CPR/First Aid certifications from the American Red Cross or any other nationally recognized training agency equivalent. Having these certifications prior to taking the course is beneficial by being able to implement these practices while taking the course although they can be completed at any time during or after taking the course.
(This course is taught locally during the summer season June - October)

For more information or if you would like to sign up,
Contact us at: