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- Master Diver -

The Master Scuba Diver course helps you to acquire leadership-level academic knowledge and skills that enable you to participate with more confidence when meeting new challenges that will present themselves as you continue to explore new more remote and exotic dive destinations. This course consists of seven three-hour lectures and eight open water dives. Each of the seven lectures is dedicated to a specific subject: Physics, Physiology, Equipment, Deep & Decompression, Night diving, Navigation, Environment; paying close attention to detail, facts and information, whichs helps you to better understand the why's and why nots of diving. If you are thinking of pursuing a career in diving or becoming an instructor, this course is a must. The eight open water dives are skill specific: deep, night, compass navigation, natural navigation, mapping, search & recovery, wreck, shark, fish ID. The dives can be done on any of our trips year round or locally during the summer season (June - October).

For more information or if you would like to sign up,
Contact us at: