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Welcome to Dive Travel
Click here to see a list of our upcoming dive trips.

We travel to world-class destinations, all over the world. These trips are great for doing certification dives, recreational dives and non-divers are always welcome. Individuals, couples or singles, its a great way to meet new people and make new friends. No one is left out, no pressure to join in, everyone is invited to all activities, you do whatever you wish.

Our friendly and knowledgeable dive instructors/escorts are provided on all our trips and are happy to answer your questions, accompany you during your dives, conduct certifications and help you any way that they can to make your vacation safe and more enjoyable. In addition, our instructors act as a liaison between you and the local hotels/dive operators to insure your vacation runs smoothly.

Great diving while in a friendly atmosphere are common bonds shared on all our trips. Our trips range from simply relaxing on the beach to diving the worlds best, most exciting dive sites. These adventures are designed to help you find the R & R that you are looking for and at the same time be the adventure of a lifetime.

We look forward to having you join us.