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- Nitrox Certification -

Nitrox is oxygen enriched air, it's easy and has a lot of benefits. Because there is a higher percentage of oxygen there is less risk of DCS and less post dive fatigue, more energy. There are two Nitrox certifications available. The first certification course consists of two lectures and a written test (no open water dives are required). Once completed, you are Nitrox certified! (if you have vacation plans, we can issue you a temporary card that you can use to dive Nitrox until your permanent card arrives in the mail).
The second certification course consists of one lecture (usually about three hours), a written test and then two open water dives using Nitrox with our Nitrox instructor, which can be done with us locally or on any of our trips. The dives are logged in your logbook and signed by our Nitrox instructor as documented proof that the dives were supervised and completed with a Nitrox instructor. Then with that documentation we will get you your permanent Nitrox card…that's it!
It's that easy…either way you're Nitrox certified.

The course does not include textbook and tables which can be purchased separately (The student kit which contains the textbook and 2 Nitrox dive tables is $49.50). Since NAUI is a nonprofit organization their focus is safety and education, so their course materials are very thorough in nature and of a high quality. Couples can share course materials, if you wish. If you'd like we can do the lecture on a private basis in your home or office one evening at your convenience.

Please let us know your thoughts and when you'd like to do the class. If you have any questions e-mail us and we'll be happy to answer them for you. Thanks again for your interest, hope to hear from you soon…

For more information or if you would like to sign up,
Contact us at: