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- Marine life Identification Courses -

Fish Identification
Marine Invertebrates
Coral Reefs
Marine Conservation

Our Marine life Identification Courses are designed to help you learn the names, traits and habits of the most common species of fish, familiarize yourself with the different types of corals/reefs and invertebrates that inhabit them. Beginners to Advanced, no matter what level you are, being able to identify the various types of marine life one encounters during a dive by name, helps you to enjoy what you're seeing and enables you to properly log and communicate your dive information to others. This is the first step towards marine life conservation and biology.
Each course consists of one three-hour lecture. To turn this lecture series course into a speciality certification course, the addition of three open water dives with an instructor are needed to complete the certification. Open water dives can be completed on any of our trips year round or locally during the summer season (June - October).