- What You Can Do -

Dive Ethic
Dive smart-Dive safe…No impact diving!
Touch nothing -Take only pictures - Leave only bubbles - Kill nothing but time…

We can only reach those of you who share an interest in the underwater part of our world and we are asking you to join us by doing your part in helping to preserve what we are lucky enough to still share today. It's not too late if we act now…if we all do a little…it's a lot!

If you are a diver, clean as you go - Pick up any trash that you find and bring it back with you. I bring nylon line with me and try to upright and reattach broken coral and sponges you find lying on the bottom by tying them at their base to rocks or dead coral substrate (not on living coral).

Even if you never set foot in the ocean you can still help. "WE THE PEOPLE" have tremendous power and influence if we unite, together we can make a difference...E-mail your congressman/woman, senator or your elected representatives and let them know what's important to you…elect only those who take your issues seriously and act accordingly. Join and contribute (time and/or resources) to any of the environmental organizations helping to save our planet...(go to related links on this website). Boycott the companies that harm our environment by not using their products or services.
Educate yourself, learn the facts for yourself! Too many authoritative agencies are giving out false and biased information as a result of influence from special-interest corporations.

Recycle…Reduce pollution…consider using alternate energy...green energy...
Don't buy paper goods that aren't recycled…Chlorine used in paper mills creates Dioxins...
Stop Junk Mail…It causes deforestation and creates garbage…costs more money to collect and move, which fills our land fills prematurely or if it's incinerated also creates Dioxin…

Only buy Dolphin-safe tuna, boycott the ones that aren't…they are still violating those laws today...
Seafood (Tuna and salmon especially) now contains high levels of mercury, which is a poison; scientists are now recommending that we limit our seafood intake to one serving per week. If you are pregnant or breast feeding the mercury in your system can cause your baby to have an IQ deficit of 5 to 7 points. This is just one of the results of coal burning plants violating the Clean Air Act. Act now to stop the weakening of our environmental laws and force these polluters into compliance.
Don't eat shrimp that was caught by trawling, raking the ocean floor of all its life. Today there is a 600-mile "Dead Zone" in the Gulf of Mexico from this kind of indiscriminate killing...for every four shrimp they catch, they throw away ten pounds of by-catch.

We have a responsibility to the future generations and the future of mankind as a species to try to make up for mistakes made in the past (intentional and unintentional) and to change those that are being made today by those with less foresight and consideration for others. I don't begrudge anyone making a profit, just not at the expense of others. Do you know anyone sick with cancer? It is unprecedented.

The evidence is irrefutable, global warming is here and occurring at an unprecedented rate, we are quickly approaching the tipping point, where the escalating global temperature is causing major melting of the huge ice flows in both the Arctic and Antarctic alike. These glacial continents help regulate our global temperature. If left unchecked we will have gone past the point of no return and our planet's ability to regulate it's own temperature will be gone forever and the ensuing global catastrophe will inevitably follow. We are receiving our wake up call, we need to act now to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, lower global temperature before it's too late...the choice is ours.

I sincerely believe that education and pro-activity are crucial. My goal is the conservation and preservation of our oceans and our environment, to protect the health of our ocean planet, our home, to raise environmental awareness and to promote and inspire in each of us a sense of stewardship toward our fragile ocean planet and all that live here. The health of our planet directly affects our health and our quality of life. The world is getting smaller every day. Our environment is being destroyed at an unprecedented rate. Raising public awareness is key to saving our planet and us ultimately from ourselves.

By allowing the careless unchecked destruction, exploitation and reckless ravaging of our limited natural resources, we are sawing the proverbial limb right out from under us…This shortsightedness if not corrected, is going to cost us dearly and I'm talking the collective us…humanity. Extinction, like the dinosaurs, the difference between the dinosaurs and us is that they had no control over what happened to them...we do. We do have control over what is happening and with even knowing that we continue to harm ourselves and all of the planet's life forms. Some of us egotistically consider humans to be superior to all other life forms on this planet, then why aren't we successfully managing our resources and the consequences created by using them. Why aren't we protecting our environment...our health, our life support? Superior? More intelligent? That remains to be seen...

Our planet, the environment is shared by all of us and at the same time belongs to none of us. I believe that there should be world laws protecting our planet from any individual(s), corporation, government or nation) profiting at the expense of another. Pollution affects all our health and the health of our environment. It's time to change. It is up to each and every one of us to do whatever we can to affect positive change, and reverse the environmental crimes being committed today before it's too late. We are in a crisis, and time is running out. Each individual has the responsibility and the right to preserve the gift we take for granted. We have to learn how to responsibly manage our planet (and it's limited resources). It's only going to get harder with time. And there are no second chances once it's gone. The condition of our oceans and rain forests are barometers as to the general health of our planet, without them we will cease to exist. Get involved, do something to help, our time is running out...