Food for thought...

Our health, is directly affected by our enviroment...whatever happens to it, happens to us, we all take it to heart. Remember, for every action there is a reaction and today we are witnessing reactions in unprecedented numbers, crazy weather patterns, earthquakes, tsunamis, rising temperatures (air & water), declining fish populations (due to overfishing and exploitation), developemental runoff, mercury poisoned food supply, pollution, global warming, increased incidents of disease and death, the destruction of earth's ecosystems, rain forests (which are an integral part in the reduction of carbon dioxide and production of oxygen), depletion of our protective ozone layer; this is all happening today, right now. Our paradise is in peril...

In my opinion, these events are evidence of crimes being commited against humanity, criminal acts! Those responsible for these atrocities are ignoring these telltale signs. Our protests, our cries are falling on deaf ears, because corrupt politicians are being influenced to either look the other way or to compromise their positions and their integrity for agendas that aren't in the best interest of their constituents and our environment. Action is needed! We the people have tremedous power. We the people, you and I, can bypass the politics by affecting those directly involved using the only language they understand and where it hurts them the their pockets! Hurt these companies that are responsible for polluting the environment in their pockets by boycotting them; by not buying their products or using their services, if they won't listen to our words maybe they'll listen when they start losing money. By boycotting certain companies, these companies themselves will be forced to go after the big polluters who are responsible for putting the PCB's dioxins and mercury into our environment because it is now tainting their resource products and cutting into their profits. Since the politicians who are supposed to be doing their jobs aren't, it forces us to take matters into our own hands let's pit the titans against each other and let them battle it out ultimately to the benefit of us all.

What these polluters are doing is criminal, hurting them in their pockets is the only way that will they listen to us and stop destroying our environment because money is all that matters to them. I don't begrudge anyone making a profit, but not at the expense of others. If things are done responsibly, then everyone benefits.
What gives anyone the right to destroy anything that does not belong to them, or affect the health of others? The planet belongs to all of us and none of us, not politicians, not goverments, not corporations, it belongs to every breathing life form on this earth...collectively. And we have our rights. Rights to clean air, untainted food, and clean water.. And for those life forms who don't know any better or who are not in a position to do something to help themselves, we can help to protect their rights to clean air, water and food that we share by us saving it from destruction for ourselves. How could anyone with a shread of moral decency even think of destroying what does not belong to them or adversely affecting the health of others for selfish greed and short sighted personal financial's criminal. Instead of letting them hurt us where we breathe, we must take action and turn the tide against those who have no regard for others and get our planet back on the road to recovery before its too late. It's easy to sit on the side lines figuring what can I do about it or somebody else will do it, but that's exactly what these criminals are counting on, our ignorance and complacancy. They will continue doing harm and getting away with it in the name of whatever misdirecting label they put on it until we stand up for ourselves and say enough is enough...stop it!

What you can do...

We the people have the power to change anything, if we unite! Together, we can change anything! Vote! You have tremendous power if only you exercise it, exercise your right to vote! Voice your opinion!

Write (Contact) your congressmen, senators, express your concerns, ask for their help, listen to the politicians who are making the policies...which ones are helping our enviroment and which ones are hurting us. Vote for those who are helping, who really care, who are are pro-environment! These elected officals are supposed to be representing us! It is our money (the taxes we pay) that is being used and we have the right to say how our money is to be spent.

What is in our best interest is to enforce the laws that are already in place, like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act and not compromise and weaken these laws and regulations that are being tampered with by bought politicians to suit corporate agendas and special interest industry groups who fiance their election campaigns, which obviously is not in our "We the people's" best interest.

Boycott products made by companies who pollute, who don't recycle, who destroy and deplete our finite natural resources with no regard for conservation management, who have no regard for our health. How many people do you know are dying from cancer? This is caused by the unhealthy condition of our air, water and food. Use alternate energy. Alternate energy, solar, wind are environment friendly. Hybrid cars are here to stay and are being used today more and more and are only going to increase in number in the future. Solar panels on your homes will generate power for your needs and what they (the power companies and goverment representatives) don't tell you is whatever power you don't use, the utility companies have to buy back from you...yes, they have to and will pay you money for any unused energy that you's the law!

Time is running out, do whatever you can to help. For our planet, for ourselves, for our health. It is time for things to change! We can make changes, we can make things happen, together we can make a difference. If we all do a little it's a lot...